Alec Benjamin Phone Number:- Singer Alec Benjamin’s contact details, social pages, current city, email id-including management office address, manager/secretary/booking agent phone number, Whatsapp and personal number are available here. If you are looking for Singer Alec Benjamin’s biography and contact information like Family, Career, Marriage, Education, Height, etc. So, from here, you can get all that.
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Alec Benjamin
Name | Alec Benjamin |
D.O.B | 28 May 1994 |
Age | 28 |
Address | login now for view detail |
Phone Number | +1(859)651-7280 |
Email Address | login now for view detail |
Facebook ID | login now for view detail |
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Biography: Alec Benjamin Phone Number
Alec Benjamin is an American singer. He is also known for his other professions such as songwriter. Was born on 28 May 1994 in Phoenix, Arizona, United States. He belongs to the American nationality and Christian religion. His father’s name is NA, and his mother’s name is NA. Alec Benjamin is and has children as NA (Son) and NA (Daughter). He is active in the music industry since 2014. Alec Benjamin’s first album or song was “Paper Crown” in 2014.
Here is a list of songs by Alec Benjamin: I Built a Friend, End of the Summer, Water Fountain, Must Have Been the Wind, Jesus in LA, Mind is a Prison, Demons, I Built a Friend, Match in the Rain, Six Foot Apart, The Book of You and I, Outering Karma, Annabelle’s Homework, If We Have Each Other, Death of a Hero, Boy in the Bubble, America, Narrated for You, These Two Windows, etc.
How to Find Singer Alec Benjamin’s Contact Information
He has millions of fans and they always try to trace singer Alec Benjamin’s contact details on the internet including management, personal secretary, booking agents or social communities. Sometimes, fans, promoters, organizers and other common people want to organize an event and want to invite favourite celebrities there. But, they don’t know how to invite Alec Benjamin for weddings, events and donations, how to contact Alec Benjamin agents for bookings, as well as how to contact Alec Benjamin for donations.
Career: Alec Benjamin Phone Number
Alec Benjamin is an American singer-songwriter, best known for his songs ‘Paper Crown’ and ‘The Water Fountain’. He is also known for his music video for the song ‘Paper Crown’. Alec was born and raised in Phoenix, Arizona, where he grew up listening to singers such as Paul Simon and Eminem, among others. Most of his family members were not musical, and he grew up in a typical family environment. During his high school years, he began to show a keen interest in composing music.
It was by watching YouTube videos that he learned to play the guitar rather than through formal guitar instruction. He never took any formal guitar lessons. He grew up in an era when YouTube was a big platform for young artists to showcase their abilities to the world. In 2016, he made his ‘YouTube’ debut with the song ‘Paper Crown’, which he wrote and produced. The record label ‘Columbia Records’ had earlier offered her a contract and promised to produce her debut album, which she accepted in 2014.